Today comes and so does another sunrise about which
I have nothing to say that has not been said before. Somewhere in between
are the bits of the world I don’t quite hold on to
but can’t bear to leave. The camera pans to you,
lacing worn running shoes with ferocity. But to me, the wonder is in the smiling sky above,
tickled by the sparrows headed north, each trilling as they go –
for so many, this will be their last. The sky decides
not to tell them. It is afraid to sour their company.
It’s funny, the things we hold on to. But you
were always good at running. Not so much at those moments in between.
I don’t run. The last time I did, I blistered.
I blister still. Time doesn’t heal, she only forms a scab.
Somewhere in between all this I’m driving with nowhere in mind - I’ve seen
it all before.
I find myself waiting for the red lights.